Carcavelos and Parede Festival 2023 – The aftermath of the event

Fermodel's participation in the Carcavelos and Parede Festivals was a huge success, not only due to the number of visitors, but also due to the fact that we managed to captivate a huge number of children who eagerly participated in the workshops.

The material used in these workshops was provided with no costs by the train model store ComboiosEléctricos 100 Noch bases for dioramas, trees, figures, grass, glue, utensils, etc.), where provided, a fact that also contributed to the success of our participation.

Below is the list of Fermodel members who contributed to the success of this participation, some of whom were present every day from the beginning to the end of the event, setup and disassembly included!

José Quintas
João Carlos Domingues
João Mendes
Luís Quintal Costa
Vitor de La Fuente
Hélder Páscoa
Pedro Horta e Costa
Mário Mendes
Fernando Oliveira
Gastão Salema
Domingos Condeça
Carlos Ayala Botto
Manuel Pedrógão

Some photos of this event

Aqui fica um pequeno vídeo de divulgação da maquete modular da Fermodel

Venue Agenda:

#Fermodel #modelismoferroviário #carcaveloseparede

Carcavelos and Parede Festival 2023

Carvavelos and Parede Festival will take place again on July 21, 22 and 23rd of 2023

As usually and following the invitation made by the President of the Carcavelos-Parede Parish Council, Nuno Alves, Fermodel will be present at the 2023 edition of the Carcavelos and Parede Festivals, to be held next to the Carcavelos market.
During the 3 days of the festivities we will present a small model train layout that is the result of the work of Fermodel Associates and we are sure will be to appreciate by all visitors
We will also take this opportunity to publicize first-hand the official poster for the annual Fermodel event to be held on the 14th and 15th of October 2023 at the Pavilhão dos Lombos in Carcavelos.
Don't forget to visit the Fermodel stand at the Carcavelos Festivals, as this year we have lots of surprises for the younger audience!

Short video of the Fermodel modular model layout

Venue Agenda:

#Fermodel #modelismoferroviário #carcaveloseparede

6th anniversary of Fermodel

Once again, Fermodel and its members have good reasons to celebrate!

It is the 6th anniversary of this group of friends, who make this hobby a very dynamic activity in Portugal.

In the last year, Fermodel participated in multiple exhibitions, promoted partnerships, television reports, and managed to bring together once again, in a single event (MiniMo 2023), the multiple model railway groups from Portugal and Spain.

This would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of all members and the trust they have placed in Fermodel.

Until the end of the year, more events are planned. Stay tuned for news on Fermodel's social media!!

Here are some photos of the anniversary celebrations that took place at Fermodel's headquarters on July 2nd, which was also attended by the President of the Carcavelos-Parede Parish Council, Nuno Alves, and his member Manuel Magalhães, Paulo Antunes froma ComboiosEléctricos trains model shop, and the Marklin representative in Portugal, Hélder Duarte.

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